Friday, April 17, 2015

आँटिलो बन्नुपर्ने रहेछ

जाडो महिनाको समयमा दिन छोटो, रात लामो हुन्छ । बेलुकी ६ नबज्दै झमक्क अध्यारो भइसक्छ ।

एउटा त्यस्तै दिनमा बेलुकी ६ बजेतिर म अफिसबाट घर फर्किदै थिएँ । सधैझैँ मेरो घर जाने बाटोमा केटाहरूको एक समूह बसिरहेको थियो । उनीहरू मलाई सधैँ जिस्काउँथे, तर म कहिल्यै पनि वास्ता गर्दैनथेँ । आफ्नै सुरमा हिँडिरहन्थेँ ।

तर त्यो दिन एक्कासी तिनीहरूले म हिँड्ने बाटो छेके । मैले वरिपरि हेरेँ, म एक्लै थिएँ । त्यसैले म डराएँ । म अर्कै बाटोबाट जान खोजेँ, तर तिनीहरूले फेरि छेके । त्यत्तिकैमा एक जना केटाले मलाई हेर्दै भन्यो, “बहिनी, तिमीलाई यो राजेश भन्ने केटाले मन पराउँछ  । तिमी उसलाई मन पराउँछौ कि मन पराउँदैनौ भन त ?”

उसले त्यति के भनेको थियो, सब केटाहरु गलल हाँस्न थाले । म केही बोल्न सकिनँ । अनुहार रातोपिरो भइसकेको थियो । तैपनि आँट गरेर त्यहाँबाट हिँड्न खोजेँ र सफल पनि भएँ ।

घरमा गएर दुःखी हुँदै सोचेँ, “मैले लिएको र दिएको बाल यौन दुव्र्यवहार भन्ने विषयको तालिममा, आफूलाई मन नपर्ने व्यवहार कसैले गर्दै छ भने त्यतिखेर नै उक्त व्यक्तिलाई आफूलाई त्यस्तो व्यवहार गरेको मन पर्दैन भनेर भन्नुपर्छ भन्ने कुरा सिकेको र सिकाएको थिएँ । तर आज त्यो कुरा आफ्नै जीवनमा लागू गर्न सकिनँ ।”
तर, अब भने त्यस्तो केही भइहाल्यो भने मसँग भएको सीप लागू गरेरै छाड्छु ।

भारती युवालयकी सदस्य हुनुहुन्छ । 

Why didn't I tease girls?

In my teenage, I was called a jogi (a sadhu) by my male friends – for I abstained from smoking and drinking. Neither did I make any love proposal to any girl. Even, which was the most important for earning the jogi nickname, I did not tease any girl on streets and I did not write any girl's name on wall of my school's toilet!

Instead, I would help my mom and sister in domestic chores. The boys would tell me that I was girlish. While many of my men friends do not believe that I have never eve-teased, others find it shocking – As if I failed as a man for not involving in any of such activities, as if I could not showcase my masculinity.

But, it makes me sad that even those educated friends find me different for not teasing girls on streets. I feel like crying aloud to express pity over them. But, I do not cry – for I feel proud that I am working for gender equality. Those friends who tease me for not teasing girls, indeed, are reasons why I work for equality between men and women.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Yuwalaya organizes wall comics training for Saksham CC members

You must know that Yuwalaya has been running a child club for children with hearing disability. We have been organizing various activities at the club aiming at empowering them to use their rights.

Currently, members of the Saksham Child Club in Bhaktapur are receiving training on wall comics. The training has aimed to enable the members, who cannot speak or hear, to express themselves and voices for their rights with comic strips.