Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Men express commitment against violence against women

KATHMANDU: More than 100 men on Tuesday, March 8, held a march in Lalitpur expressing their commitment against violence against women and girls.

More than 15 youth organisations had joined hands to hold the Men's March: Men against Violence against Women and Girls, on the occasion of the 106th International Women's Day.

One of the participants was prominent human rights activist and former member of the National Human Rights Commission Gauri Pradhan.

Pradhan addressed a corner assembly concluding the rally and said gender equality in the nation was impossible unless men realise their role for rights of women in their households, communities and workplaces.
The rally had begun from Lagankhel and passed through Kumaripati, Jawalakhel, Pulchok and Mangalbazaar before converging into the assembly at the Patan Durbar Square.

More than 50 women had supported the event by joining the concluding assembly. Speaking at the event, member duo of National Women Commission Urmila Devi Bishwokarma and Dhaneshwory Chaudhary said the Commission was ready to support organisations and men in general who express solidarity in combating violence against girls and women.

Youth poets Nawaraj Parajuli, Rupesh Bhattarai and Saurav Basyal had recited poets on violence against women and girls.

President of Yuwalaya, the organisation coordinating the event, Sanjog Thakuri said the men's solidarity for gender equality was imperative to establish an equitable world as envisaged by the Sustainable Development Goals (2015-30).  

महिला हिंसा विरुद्ध पुरुषहरूको प्रतिबद्धता
दर्जनौँ युवाहरूको एक समूहले फागुन २५ गते अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय महिला दिवसका अवसरमा -याली निकाल्दै महिला तथा बालिकामाथि हुने हिंसाका विरुद्ध प्रतिबद्धता व्यक्त गरेका छन् ।

१५ भन्दा बढी संस्थाहरूको आयोजनामा भएका पदयात्रा ललितपुरको लगखेलबाट सुरु भई कुमारीपाटी, जावलाखेल, पुल्चोक, मङ्गलबजार हुँदै पाटन दरबार क्षेत्रमा आई कोणसभामा परिणत भएको थियो ।
वरिष्ठ मानव अधिकारकर्मी तथा राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आयोगका पूर्व सदस्य गौरी प्रधान पनि कार्यक्रममा सहभागी हुनुहुन्थ्यो । कार्यक्रममा बोल्दै उहाँले पुरुषहरूले आफ्नो परिवार, समुदाय तथा कार्यस्थलमा रहेका महिलाहरूप्रतिको जिम्मेवारी महसुस नगरेसम्म लैङ्गिक समानता असम्भव रहेको बताउनुभयो ।
पुरुषहरूका अतिरिक्त करिब ५० महिलाहरूले समापन भेलामा ऐक्यबद्धता जनाएका थिए ।
त्यस क्रममा बोल्दै राष्ट्रिय महिला आयोगका सदस्यहरू धनेश्वरी चौधरी र उर्मिलादेवी विश्वकर्माले महिला र बालिकाहरूमाथि हुने हिंसा विरुद्ध कार्य गर्ने सबै पु्रुषहरू र सङ्घसंस्थालाई सहयोग गर्न आयोग तयार रहेको जानकारी दिनुभयो ।
कार्यक्रममा युवा कविहरू नवराज पराजुली, रूपेश भट्टराई र सौरभ बस्यालले महिला र बालिकामाथि हुने हिंसाबारे कविता प्रस्तुत गर्नुभएको थियो ।
कार्यक्रमको समन्वय गरेको संस्था युवालयका अध्यक्ष सन्जोग ठकुरीका अनुसार सन् २०१५देखि २०३०का लागि निर्धारण गरिएको दिगो विकास लक्ष्य पूरा गर्नका लागि लैङ्गिक समानताका पक्षमा पुरुषको सहभागिता अनिवार्य भएको महसुस गरी कार्यक्रम आयोजना गरिएको हो ।
यो कार्यक्रमलाई आगामी वर्षहरूमा पनि निरन्तरता दिइने उहाँले बताउनुभयो ।

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