Saturday, October 15, 2022

International Day of the Girl Child (IDG) "Our time is now- our rights, our future"


Aarohi Adhikari

This year marks 10 glorious years of International Day of the Girl Child (IDG). The International Day of the Girl Child, an international observance day declared by the United Nation is a day of global recognition of girls’ rights and the challenges they face around the globe. This day is celebrated to eliminate the existing gender-based prejudices, raise awareness of the rights a girl owns, and create an environment with no biases on any sort of opportunity.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Yuwalaya gets its new executive committee for the next 2 years

Yuwalaya executive committee for 2021-23

Yuwalaya on Saturday, October 9, elected its new executive committee for the next two years (until 2023 September).

The fourth general convention of the national youth-led nongovernment organisation held in Kathmandu elected the nine-member team led by Santosh Maharjan as its president.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

थाहा छ !

Photo: Wallpaperflare

अझै पनि म कसैले नारी भन्दा, 

शोषण सुन्छु‌, दमन सुन्छु,

अत्याचार अनि बलात्कार सुन्छु।

किन सुन्छु ? उत्तर छैन, 


तर, थाहा छ यो कुरा

कि, ती मसिना बालबालिकाले बरालिँदै बाटोमा आफ्नो बालापन आफ्नै ढङ्गमा बगाउन पाउँदैनन् अचेल।

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Yuwalaya elects new executive committee under Santosh Maharjan's leadership

Outgoing president Sabin Singh (r) hands over leadership to his successor Santosh Maharjan.

Yuwalaya on Saturday, August 31, elected its new executive committee for the next two years.
The fourth general convention of the national youth-led nongovernment organisation held in Lalitpur elected the nine-member team led by Santosh Maharjan as its President.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

What our young facilitators felt in sharing their ideas about dating violence and SDGs to people of their age

We want to give a round of applause to our facilitators who carried out orientations on gender-based violence and dating violence in Kathmandu Valley under the ‘We for Change’ project supported by Global Youth Empowerment Fund and implemented in collaboration with Men Engage Alliance. Through this project, we aimed to raise awareness on gender-based violence, dating violence and SDG's Goal 5 and promote positive behaviours and role of young people in eliminating violence against their partners.

We directly reached 1146 young people through orientation sessions in different colleges in Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur.

Let’s hear what our facilitators have to say regarding their experience of being part of the ‘We for Change’ project.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

पानीजन्य रोगहरूबाट बच्न र यसबारे जनचेतना फैलाउन हाम्रा क्रियाकलापहरू

कविता बस्नेत

सन् २०१५को विनाशकारी भूकम्पपछि धेरै ठाउँहरूमा पानीजन्य रोगको महामारी फैलिएको थियो । भूकम्पबाट पानीका मूहानहरूमा क्षति पुगेकाले तथा हजारौँ जनसङ्ख्या विस्थापित भएकाले धेरै मानिस स्वच्छ पानीको पहुँचबाट टाढा भए ।

गाउँमा भन्दा पनि सहरी क्षेत्रमा हैजाजस्ता रोगको प्रकोप बढ्यो । नेपाल सरकार, स्वास्थ्य सेवा विभाग अन्तर्गत इपिडिमियोलोजी तथा रोग नियन्त्रण महाशाखाको तथ्याङ्कले पनि काठमाडौँ उपत्यकाका सहरी बस्तीहरू हैजाको जोखिममा रहेको देखायो ।

जथाभाबी दिसापिसाब गनार्ले, दूषित तथा सडेगलेका खानेकुरा खानाले तथा पानी शुद्धीकरण नगरी पिउनाले हैजा लाग्ने गर्दछ । समयमा उपचार नपाउँदा हैजाका बिरामीको मृत्यु नै हुन सक्छ । तर, सामान्य सावधानी अपनाएमा  यसबाट बच्न पनि सकिन्छ ।

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Yuwalaya's third convention elects new executive committee

Outgoing President Sanjog Thakuri (right) hands over the presidential duty to newly elected Yuwalaya President Sabin Singh.

Yuwalaya, a youth-led non-government organisation, on Saturday, September 2, elected its new executive committee for next two years.
The third general convention of the organisation held in Lalitpur today elected the nine-member team led by Sabin Singh as its President.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Child club graduates from across Nepal meet in Kathmandu

Four organisations led by child club graduates including Yuwalaya organised a two-day National Consultation of Child Club Graduates in Kathmandu this week.

Changa Foundation, Creation Society Nepal, JCYCN and Yuwalaya successfully concluded the first ever National Consultation of Child Club Graduates on July 1 and 2 at the Staff College in Jawalakhel of Lalitpur. 

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Yuwalaya celebrates Girls in ICT Day with Kavre youth

Yuwalaya on June 2 and 3 organised a capacity building training for girls of Kavre district on the occasion of the International Girls in ICT Day.

The Day is celebrated every year on the fourth Thursday of April. This year, it was marked with the theme "Expand Horizons, Change Attitudes".  

Total 33 young women from the district had participated in the event supported by the Nepal Telecommunications Authority and the Creative Society Nepal. 

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Diary from March 8

Kshitij Kayastha

On March 8, 2017, I witnessed one hundred or so men walking along the busy roads of Lalitpur, holding placards that voiced their solidarity against the violence faced by girls and women. The march was not anything special because a march walked by a few men cannot change the way of the world, but it surely can bring about a revolution: a spark to change the way of the world.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Vacancy re-announcement: Program Officer and Graphic Designer

Yuwalaya is a purely youth-led, non-profit, non-government organization working for and with youths and adolescents of Nepal. Yuwalaya is established by child club graduates and seeks to create platform for adolescents, youths and especially child clubs graduates aiming to encourage them to achieve its goals and objectives.

Monday, May 23, 2016

MENstruation talk with MEN

On the occasion of Menstrual Hygiene Day, youth-led organization Yuwalaya in coordination with youth radio talk show 'Saathi Sanga Manka Kura' organized the MENstruation talk with MEN, on Saturday, May 21.

Total 20 young men aged 15-24 participated in the interaction where they discussed various aspects of menstruation.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

महिनावारी सरसफाइमा पुरुष

विश्व महिनावारी सरसफाई दिवसको अवसरमा युवालयले रेडियो कार्यक्रम ‘साथीसँग मनका कुरा’सँगको सहकार्यमा युवा पुरुषहरूसँग महिनावारी सरसफाइका विषयमा छलफल कार्यक्रम सञ्चालन गरेको छ ।

गत जेठ ८ गते शनिबार सञ्चालित ‘मेन्स्ट्रुएसन टक विथ मेन’ नाम दिइएको उक्त कार्यक्रममा १५ देखि २४ वर्ष उमेरमा २० जना युवा पुरुषहरूको सहभागिता रहेको थियो ।

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Vacancy Announcement: Work with Yuwalaya

Yuwalaya is a purely youth-led, non-profit, non-government organization working for and with youths and adolescents of Nepal. Yuwalaya is established by child club graduates and seeks to create platform for adolescents, youths and especially child clubs graduates aiming to encourage them to achieve its goals and objectives.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

केही गर्न सक्छु भन्ने भएको छ

मुना थापा मगर, सिन्धुली
मेरो नाम मुना । सिन्धुली जिल्ला, कमलामाई नगरपालिकाको वडा नम्बर ४मा बस्छु । असाध्यै हरियाली र सुन्दर ठाउँ छ मेरो गाउँ । भूकम्प आउने समयमा म कक्षा १२को परीक्षा दिएर बसेकी थिएँ । उत्तिसारो बोल्न मन लाग्दैनथ्यो मलाई । मन लाग्दैन पनि के भन्नु, सिधासिधी भन्दा डर लाग्थ्यो । संस्थाका मान्छे भन्ने त कोही चिनेको भए त के ! त्यही भएर पनि म आफैलाई आफू कमजोर छु, बोल्न पनि सक्दिन भन्नेजस्तो हुन्थ्यो । आत्मविश्वास कम थियो भन्दा नि हुन्छ । कस्तो नरमाइलो हुन्छ नि त्यस्तो हुँदा :(